
Know your body (Prakriti) with 15 Minutes Free online consultation with Dr. Suvira Bandekar

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AYURVEDA is a vast ancient science of Indian medicine. “AYU” means life and “VEDA” means knowledge. It is the science which gives knowledge of human life. It is not only to cure diseases but also to maintain the health of a person. With Ayurveda, we can easily prevent many illnesses with a HEALTHY DIET and LIFESTYLE in accordance to body constitution (body type).

What is Health?

Health is not only absence of disease, illness or sickness. Health is nothing but Balance in Dosha (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA), Dhatu (Body tissues), Malas (waste products), Agni (Body heat including digestive system) and all physiological functions that bring the feeling of freshness in all senses – organ, mind and soul. True health is possible through AYURVEDA and NATUROPATHY.

What is Dosha?

Ayurvedic scientists observed that there is similarity between functions of universe and man. There are three causative factors in the universe Sun, Moon and the Wind. Sun represents the energy of conversion; Moon represents the energy which keeps the molecules together and helps to grow & the Wind represents the energy responsible for all the movements. All these functions are found in human body. They are called as Dosha or biological Humours, which controls all the functions in the body. They are known as the Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Doshas are the important acting factor of the human body. They are formed by the combination of Mahabhutas (Elements- SPACE, AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH). In conducting the metabolism of human body, there are three functions, which are very important. These functions are digestion, union, and separation, all these functions performed by three doshas. Vata does the functions of separation, whereas pitta does the function of digestion and Kapha does the function of union. In short human body is functioned by Doshas.
Balance of three doshas leads to the health of the person, whereas imbalance of the doshas leads to the disease and separation of the Doshas can leads to death.

How to examine Doshas?

In our body, if we want to visualize the condition of organ, then one has to see the sign of tridoshas. Very rarely we require investigations of the body. Each dosha has their own characteristics and functions. Looking at increase or decrease in their characteristics and functions, we can easily diagnose the diseases and can treat accordingly. So in Ayurveda, treatment is nothing but maintain the harmony in doshas with the help of herbal remedies, diet and lifestyle.

Vata Dosha

Unity is required for formation and separation is necessary for destruction of certain subject. These both functions are performed by Vata dosha. It get formed with the combination of space and air element, characteristics with dry, rough, cold, minute, mobile. It is present all over body, hollow empty space represents Vata Dosha, main seats are large intestine, bladder, ear, nerves, blood vessels, etc.

The entire movement of the body, blood circulation, function of the nervous system, digestion, excretion of waste products, etc. perform by Vata dosha.

Pitta Dosha

For the transformation, conversion or to change the form of any object heat is very important, similarly the transformation, digestion in our body takes place by body heat, which is called as Pitta dosha. It is the combination of fire and water element. Pitta dosha is warm, sharp, light, shiny, bright, penetrating, smooth.

Pitta dosha presents all over body but mainly situated at liver, gall bladder, pancreas, skin, eyes, blood, stomach, endocrine system (hormone), etc.

Pitta dosha maintain body heat, helps in digestion of the food, intelligence, feeling of thirst, hunger, taste to tongue, hormonal changes in the body, health of skin, metabolism, function of vision, etc. conducted by Pitta dosha.

Kapha Dosha

Making body firm, heavy and helping the union of two or more substances are the functions carried out by kapha dosha, it is the combination of water and earth element. It is cold, heavy, slow, soft, firm, semisolid and sticky, similar to mucus.

Mainly situated in chest, throat, head, joint, stomach, nose, and tongue and help in lubrication. Also impart firmness, weight, strength to the body. It oleats the body internally, externally and help in growth.

What is Prakriti (Body Constitution)?

Constitution or bio typology is the important concept of Ayurveda. Maintenances of Health, prevention of diseases, achieving longevity and treatment of diseases depend on this fundamental theory.

Every individual is made up of above three Doshas, but with different proportion of dosha in everyone. Every individual has different physical, physiological, psychological functions.

Ayurveda has emphasized the view that Man is miniature of nature. This means that the principle which are present in the Universe are also presents in the Man. Everything in this universe has been created after the combination of Purusha or Pure Consciousness and Prakriti or Great Nature.

Know your body (Prakriti) with 15 Minutes Free online consultation with Dr. Suvira Bandekar

Click here to know more about Dr. Suvira Bandekar.